(317) 522-1362 davek@cdsitconsulting.com

Mobilize Your Desktop for Savings to Time and Money

How much do you rely on certain applications over all others? You probably don’t really need the vast majority of programs taking up space on your desktop computer. Our Desktop as a Service solution might be the solution you need to strip away the excess and get down to brass tacks.

  • Streamlined, focused service stripped down to the applications and services you need – faster, more efficient, and without any need for maintenance, licensing fees, or worries over aging technology.
  • Easy cloud access from any device that can connect to the Internet.
  • Built-in disaster protection with automated backups and remote access.

CD’s IT Consulting can MOBILIZE your desktop computing experience to deliver higher convenience, security, and savings for your Indianapolis business. Read on to learn more, or contact us today at (317) 522-1362 or connect@cdsitconsulting.com to talk about what applications we can host for you.

Convenience for You and Your Staff

Your hosted desktop is stored in the cloud. If you’re looking for convenience, this is the best option you can get.

  • Access your hosted desktop on a variety of devices – connect from the Internet to work in the office, at home, or on the go.
  • One easy-to-access online location for all the services you need.
  • User-friendly interfaces designed to make it easy for you.

Security You Can Rely On

We want to ensure you can rely on your hosted desktop to always be there for you when you need it, and give you peace of mind knowing it won’t let you down.

  • Complete user access control via secure encryption protocols, passcodes, user authentication, and control panels.
  • Built-in disaster protection via automated backups and security in the cloud away from anything that could damage in-office equipment.
  • 24/7 remote monitoring to maintain uptime of the service and immediately catch and resolve any issues as soon as they arise.

Savings for Time and Money

Your hosted desktop might sound fancy, but it’s flexible and easy for any business of any size to take advantage of.

  • One flat-rate monthly fee for your service.
  • No maintenance fees on the service you receive – we handle all the backend.
  • Flexible options – you pay only for the size and scope of service you want, including number of users and what applications you need access to, and you can change your options down the road.

CD’s IT Consulting is all about strategic thinking when it comes to IT for Indianapolis businesses. We’re ready to help you change the way you think about how technology affects your productivity, effectiveness, and bottom line.

Make us prove it. Contact us today at (317) 522-1362 or connect@cdsitconsulting.com to schedule a no-obligation review of your business systems and see how different it can be.

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